CRM 2011 & database mirroring

In most scenarios where you implement CRM 2011 in Enterprise segment you would choose for database clustering. The advantage is that your setup is easy, at least I think so :) You have virtual name for your SQL server no need for extra CRM configuration.

Another alternative is to choose for database mirroring, also supported scenario. Please keep in mind that besides configuration of SQL server is more complex. You also need to make changes to CRM, which can be forgotten easily.

For example you need to change some settings in the registry on the server where the web application is installed:

2) Change: configdb

Data Source=MSCRM_Primary\SQL1;Failover Partner=MSCRM_Mirror\SQL2;Initial Catalog= MSCRM_CONFIG;Integrated Security=SSPI

You can image when you do node switch and forget this entry your CRM application will crash. More details at:

More background about database mirroring:

PS If you wondering about the image, read this article about Droste Effect  :-)
