Coming up reviews of two new released books

A few weeks ago I was asked by SAMS publishing to review two of there new released books. By end of the weeks of last week I got the copies. The first was "Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 in 24 hours", which remembered me of the series I did use a lot in my carreer(12+ years) for HTML, JavaScript and more recent C# :)

To my surprise it was written by Anne Stanton(yes aka crmlady), so I just gave it quick look, but my review will follow later. Very curious what tips & tricks I could learn :-)

The second one really got my attention because it was called "Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4 Integration" by Marc J. Wolenik & Rajya Vardhan Bhaiya and it has topics about SharePoint and my fav tool Scribe Insight. In my quick look I also so remarketed term xRM e.g. extending crm.. which we did already in 3.0....

I hope to write something about by end of next week.

Keep reading books :-)

PS Just finished Dan Brown's Lost Symbol
