Scribe Advanced Training Course

I might have mentioned it in one of my previous posts. Nevertheless Scribe Insight offers partners a special course: Scribe Advanced Training for Dynamics CRM Consultants. It’s a two day training given in different location(contact your Scribe contact).

I attended the training myself last November, yes sounds like ages ago :-) It was very useful training, especially to learn more about the many integration and migration options it offers. Guess, most of us not use Scribe to its full potential yet. This training will show you other possibilities that you might not know or just not familiar with.

The training is both theoretical as practical. The training is organized around ‘net change design patterns’ like one way batch, one way real-time and two way real-time integration to the Scribe ERP database (check the scribe community), each accompanied with an exercise.

Personally I like, that these patterns are very useable in our daily work with Scribe’s products. The course is not strict following all topics, which leaves enough time to talk or discuss about the challenges we face working with Scribe Console, Workbench, Adapters etc. If you have the opportunity to follow the training I would certainly recommend it.

Happy scribing!

PS If you are going to follow the course and your instructor is David Baker, bring some Mars (mini) bars and you would have great time :-)
