Workflow installed on seperate server??

Recently I received the question if it's possible to install workflows on separate server. The client wished to have fall back scenario for their CRM application.

You could setup web servers in load balancing setup and if performance issue may occur then it's relatively easy to add another web server, also a fall back server could be stand by.

For Microsoft SQL Server you can use cluster with redundant SAN or NAS solution. These are usually very expensive solutions and very complex to install and to configure. To save costs you could use Dell instead of more expensive HP solutions.

To answer the questions: "Is it possible to install workflow on different server?". No it's not possible only the following roles/service could be installed on different servers (only by using command prompt installation:

- SRS Data Connector
- SQL Server
- Application Server
- Asynchronous Processing Service
- Deployment Service
- Discovery Service
- Help Server
- SDK Server

More details at:

Start designing your architecture :-)


Anonymous said…
So you can have a dedicated server running the Asynchronous server however, which will effectivly be running workflow as well as the other Async server functions
Dennis Hampton said…
Customers can choose the high-end enterprisewizard hosted service on either a shared or dedicated server, and they also have the freedom to move it, intact, to their own in-house servers. "We have found that it is a lot easier to make a sale to a hesitant client when you can offer them a low-risk, inexpensive hosted service until the system has gone live and proven its value, with the option to purchase and move everything in-house at any time," says Steve Chipman, President of Lexnet Consulting Group