Looking back to MSCRM 3.0

We are all still busy finding out the truth about 4.0, but still many companies’ use the previous version. It sometimes amazing to see that even basic knowledge of 3.0 is still unknown.

One of the misunderstandings was the support of roaming profiles in 3.0. This isn’t supported also not in v3c version. There is working around (see Menno’s posting) but this is officially not supported. By the way in 4.0 roaming profiles are only supported when using terminal services environments.

Also the basics for debugging are still not widely known; at least the following steps would be logical in my opinion. First I always checks installation logs of MS CRM and for errors after installation the main source is the event viewer some errors I saw frequently:
• CRMADDIN.DLL see: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/945061
• Event Source: Microsoft Office 11 Event Category: None Event ID: 1000 see: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/931270

Problems at the client:
• The address book provider may take 12 hours to synchronize – see: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/925780
• The address list could not be displayed. The action could not be completed - see: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/930793

If the event viewer doesn’t give you any hints, then you can run the server or client in debug mode, the how’s are described in: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/907490. This also works for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0!

Nevertheless most bugs or problems should be or can be solved by applying Rollup 2. The details can be found in kb article “Update Rollup 2 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0”.


Robert (see comments) askes if Rollup 3 is better? Of course always better to install latests rollups, nevertheless one of the prerequisites is: Update Rollup 3 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 requires Update Rollup 2 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0. Thanks for reminding me, good point :-)



Anonymous said…
Since rollup pack 3 is out, isn't that a better option than 2?